Words So True


“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.  The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” 

                    ~Sylvia Plath

About Rinda Elliott

Writer.I love unusual stories and credit growing up in a family of curious life-lovers who moved all over the country. Books and movies full of fantasy, science fiction and romance kept us amused, especially in some of the stranger places. For years, I tried to separate my darker side with my humorous and romantic one. I published short fiction, but things really started happening when I gave in and mixed it up. When not lost in fiction, I love making wine, collecting music, gaming and spending time with my husband and two children. I’m represented by Miriam Kriss of the Irene Goodman Agency.
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6 Responses to Words So True

  1. inkedblots says:

    Ouch! That Sylvia really hits ya where it hurts!! Self-doubt is my biggest obsticle (obstacle?). Hmm.. today that word just doesn’t look right no matter how you spell it.

  2. carol says:

    I think that’s the story of my life, I always fight it. I just don’t want to lose the fight like Sylvia did. Carol

  3. red says:

    Ditto, self-doubt just kills you. Don’t you ladies find the best idea on Monday, the one that is just completely magical, and by tuesday it’s trite, it’s used, and nobody’s going to like it? LOL! I hate that, but it happens to us all the time, I think all writers experience it. I love the quote.

    We should make it a point to be our number one cheerleaders! *pom pom swish, jump and split* OUCH!

  4. Scott from Oregon says:

    I just read the funniest piece on losing a tampon in a vagina…

    Yes, everything is fair game…

    Aas long as there is a ring of truth ensconced

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