Post Its, Pulling Teeth and Protective Daddies


For details about how this works, visit Rachel Vincent’s blog.

I hit a plot bump around chapter nine on my WIP, so I decided to give Rachel’s plot board a try.  It’s intense work, but strangely fun and satisfying as well.

Okay, it freaking rocks!

I’m visual.  Out-of-sight, out-of-mind is how it works in the Rinda brain.  I put veggies in the crisper and I remember them after they’ve gone soft.  I have to leave research books out or I forget I have them. 

It’s pathetic.

But I had all these ‘Novel Notes’ files in my computer and actually taking them out, categorizing them and putting them in order has done wonders for opening my eyes to what the story needs.  I can see where I”ve ignored one subplot too long, see where an action scene or introspective scene needs to go.  It’s great.  I’ve added a couple of things to what she’s doing.  For instance, I added a color for secondary characters so I can remember to trickle in important clues about them.  I’m also putting it in order chapter by chapter. 

This, my friends, is only half the book.

The hubby keeps eyeing this monstrosity.  He finally asked, “Do you think it’s possible to overdo the little colored things?”  heh heh

In other news, I’m having a little trouble concentrating today.  It’s a combination of cabin fever and the knowledge that when I do brave the roads today, it’s to take my little one to have four teeth pulled. 


His baby teeth never get loose and the adult teeth just hover underneath, completely formed.  Since the laughing gas made him sick last time, he’s refusing to do it this time.  I’m not looking forward to this at all.  I asked the hubby to take him he gave me the look.  You see, he hasn’t done a doctor’s visit for the kids since the very first time we took daughter #1 in for her shots.

He was the one who leaned over the smiling, kicking three-month old, he was the one with his finger wrapped in her tiny fingers when they put that first needle in.  She was looking right at him and he felt her hand squeeze and that was all she wrote.  In the parking lot, he told me he would never, ever do that again. 

You should have seen him snatch our second one out of a nurses’ hands in the hospital.  The boy was a very big baby so they pricked his feet every couple of hours to check for diabetes.  When he’d had enough of that, my husband just took the baby away from her, gave her his scary frown and shook his head.  They didn’t come back.

About Rinda Elliott

Writer.I love unusual stories and credit growing up in a family of curious life-lovers who moved all over the country. Books and movies full of fantasy, science fiction and romance kept us amused, especially in some of the stranger places. For years, I tried to separate my darker side with my humorous and romantic one. I published short fiction, but things really started happening when I gave in and mixed it up. When not lost in fiction, I love making wine, collecting music, gaming and spending time with my husband and two children. I’m represented by Miriam Kriss of the Irene Goodman Agency.
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11 Responses to Post Its, Pulling Teeth and Protective Daddies

  1. Heather says:

    I feel so bad for your boy. Bless his heart, he deserves something really special after doing this. I hope he can stomach the pain meds. 😦

    You two (R&R) are inspiring me to pull out the sticky notes. I’ve been putting it off, but I think I’ll give it a try. I really hate outlining, because I agree with Meg Cabot that it can stifle some creative types from writing the actual book because to their brain they already have…in the outline. But, since I’m redirecting what I’ve already written, I hope it won’t jinx me.

    Maybe I’ll meet you in February…sigh.

  2. relliott4 says:

    Heather, I was worried about that very thing. What I’ve done is put something fun on future scenes on the post its. That way, when it’s time to write that part, I remember what excited me about it.

    This is helping me to know what comes next so that blanking cursor doesn’t make me break out in a cold sweat. heh heh

    I really hate taking my son to the dentist. I finally told him today because he wanted to go sledding with friends. He’s in there, quiet. Agh. This part of mommyhood is freaking hard.

  3. Missy says:

    I was so shocked by the pathways that Rachel’s plotting process opened. I’m so happy I found of all you (Rinda, Heather and Rachel) — you’ve been so helpful in my writing process as well as a tremendous inspiration.

  4. relliott4 says:

    Why thank you! You know, I think you and I were commenting on each other’s blogs at the same time.

  5. Mia King says:

    I love your plot board! It’s insanely neat and organized, not to mention color coded. Kudos to you for pulling that off AND taking care of your son – writing with young kids is a challenge, but it certainly helps us keep things in perspective!

    My husband was there for the heel prick blood draw for both my kids since I was laid out in the hospital bed recuperating, and both times the nurses screwed it up – I could hear my children screaming from down the hall. Great! As if my hormones weren’t going crazy as it was. My husband was so upset that he was ready to do it himself and kick the nurses out.

    Glad to have found your blog, Rinda!

  6. relliott4 says:

    Welcome Mia! I had too much trouble writing when my kids were really young. Now they are 15 and nine. He’s nine but he’s still my baby. Come to think of it, I’m still pretty busy with the kids, older or not–now they have all the activities. If you ever have time to explore, I’ve written a lot about being a mommy and writer.

    This hospital where I had my son never took him out of the room. Everything was done right there with me. That every two hour blood drawing broke my heart. Poor guy was already traumatized from birth.

  7. Mia King says:

    I know. It took me three years to de-program my daughter so she could go the doctor without freaking out.

    I laughed at your comment on my blog! My husband will take the kids so I can write, and about an hour later he’ll call to see if I can (1) get dinner ready, (2) check to see if the water heater is on, (3) check his email to see if he got any important messages, and (4) is it okay if they come back now?

    Since we love our husbands, it’s not awful to say that. That’s my excuse, anyways!

  8. Word Doctor says:


    I love the visual-layout idea and would seriously try it if I could read my own f’n handwriting.

    Ladies, I loved reading the posts about the little ones (I truly miss all that), but wait until one of ’em calls to tell you that you’re going to be a grandparent… Now that’s some bloggin’ stuff right there!

    Productivity to you all.


  9. Sscott from Oregon says:

    That is one incredibly organized board you go tthere, missy! How do you do THAT and attend to children with ailments?


    Nabakov wrote “Lolita” on 3X5 cards and then shuffled them around on the floor a bunch…

  10. relliott4 says:

    Well, I did most of this board before he had his teeth pulled. Unfortunately, I’ve been suffering from a restless cabin fever over the weekend and didn’t get a lot of writing done.

    My son handled the tooth pulling better than I did.

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