Confessing Quirks and Naughty Billy Idol

I was tagged by Jen Nipps a little while back and I well, forgot about it.  So… to make up for it, I’ll try and be particularly weird. Or bore you all to mouse clicks.  😉

Let’s see, it was

List Six Unspectacular Personal Quirks. 

1. Today, my kids and I had to run errands so we had a day out.  My teenager has a mass ( I mean MASS) storage IPOD and feels the need to play “half or so” of every song on it for me.  I got so fed up that when she played Down With the Sickness by Disturbed, I made her start it over and over while I got the wha.a.a.a.  sound down.  (I will never get it down, btw.  It either takes practice or heavy drugs.  And it hurts my throat and the kiddos always end up begging me to stop anyway–since, uh, I like this CD, and practice in my kitchen…  That song makes me tear up anyway.  It’s sad.)

2. I also watch this show with my kids.

(I removed the picture here for stat purposes. But the endless searches for icarly goodies go on. Don’t blame the kids-it’s a fun show.)

And…  I like it.  What?  So?  Can’t help it.  It can be pretty funny. (I try to memorize lines to use on my sister later.  Like today.  Sam blurts out, “Oh yeah?  You know what I got?” and Freddy responds with “Pimples on your butt?”  So good.)

3, I tell my daughter weird, random things just to get a reaction out of her.  She has the best laugh.  Today it was, “Do you smell pizza?  No. Wait.  It’s just my knee.”

4. Rock the Cradle of Love makes me get up and dance.  And unfortunately, sing.  Okay, yeah confessing that I had TEH LOVE for Billy Idol back in…  who am I kidding with the Back then?  He’s just so deliciously naughty! You can just tell he’d be so creatively fun in.. well, I don’t have to confess all my thoughts, right?  I have songs of his I like more (Pumping On Steel, yeah baby!), but the cradle song is like the hubby’s anthem… he IS eight years older than me. <wg>

5. I love to grow tomatoes in pots.  I look forward to pulling them right off the vine for salads, BLTs or just on a damn plate.  Nothing store bought ever tastes so good.  This year, some YAHOO mislabeled my tomato plants yet I’m determined to keep them going.  They’re cherry.  Do you KNOW how ridiculous it is to have two cherry tomato plants???  One at a time, people.  They ripen one at a time.  And these are pathetic.  My hubby has renamed them cherry peas.  

6.I used to do a graceful back bend from a standing position.  I still can.  After wine.  A lot of it.  I’m usually a little angry with myself the next day, though.

Oh and just because I wanna hear the song now, here some Pumping On Steel..

And whoa, check him out in this one! 

About Rinda Elliott

Writer.I love unusual stories and credit growing up in a family of curious life-lovers who moved all over the country. Books and movies full of fantasy, science fiction and romance kept us amused, especially in some of the stranger places. For years, I tried to separate my darker side with my humorous and romantic one. I published short fiction, but things really started happening when I gave in and mixed it up. When not lost in fiction, I love making wine, collecting music, gaming and spending time with my husband and two children. I’m represented by Miriam Kriss of the Irene Goodman Agency.
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25 Responses to Confessing Quirks and Naughty Billy Idol

  1. I watch iCarly with my kids, too. My oldest has a crush on Miranda Crosgrove. You can’t mention it around him, though. He’ll DENY. We also watch Drake and Josh.

    And I often announce out of nowhere that my butt itches. Butt humor is always good for a laugh.

    And I grow mold in dishes. In teh sink. 😉

  2. relliott4 says:

    My kids love Drake and Josh. I watch it too, sometimes, but the overacting gets on my nerves sometimes. I love Miranda in that show, though.

    I told my kids I had a big head the other day, then chased them with eyes wide telling them it looks like I have no body. They laughed so hard, they fell on the floor. I’m not scary to them apparently.

    I do have a really big head, tho. 😉

  3. relliott4 says:

    ROFL! That first pic had me cracking up out loud. I called my daughter over and then opened the third one. Eeek. I can hear her laughing in the kitchen still.

    You are so twisted. I really, really like that about you. 😉

  4. The website has a man and scorpion shot. Really creepy and nightmare inducing.

    I bet yoy think your head is not so big anymore, huh? 😉

  5. relliott4 says:

    Heather! I love that website! The music is wonderful and some of those pictures could make the best stories.

    That is, if I wasn’t having so much trouble with this darned psychic cat scratch fever one. Man, I owe you…

  6. relliott4 says:

    Uh… I found the one you were talking about. Hm… With the music, too.

    I feel so strange right now.


  7. relliott4 says:

    I’m feeling quite petite, now, thanks to you. Okay, now I have to see the man and scorpion shot. I hope I don’t have a dream like that last one with Rachel’s werecats with scorpion tails and garbage disposals.


  8. Yeah, I love the music, too.

    Very odd photos, but muse inspiring.

  9. Pingback: My Bathtub is Magic « Rinda Elliott

  10. davidfarney says:

    Billy Idol! I’m pretty sure I had a man-crush on him in high school . . . had to have been that and not the music, which sounds so coffee-cannish now. Weird. Anyway, that second video you posted was sooooooo not a good look for him. No, no, no — we want the white hair spikes pointing up!

    The best way to make hair perform such tricks? A bottle of white shoe polish and a hairdryer. Yup. I was Billy Idol for Halloween at least once. Gawd. I probably even have a picture to prove it. Unless I burned it.

  11. relliott4 says:

    Yeah, I had a remark about the love disappearing with that second video and took it down because it seemed mean. But it is the hair–I don’t like that on him either.

    And come on… you liked the music then, didn’t you? White Wedding? Eyes Without a Face–which cracks me the hell up now, but then, it was sooo cool.

  12. davidfarney says:

    Heh. Of course I liked White Wedding! Still do. But ol’ Billy just got worse from there . . . Rebel Yell had some okay stuff but I agree, Eyes Without a Face is sappy-psychedelic or something. I’m not even going to comment on the whole Pumping on Steel thing ‘cuz he was obviously not catering to us guys any more!

    If you never checked out any of his Generation X stuff, give it a try. It’s mostly still listenable. (Is that a word?) Mostly.

  13. Rinda says:

    Maybe not Pumping on Steel, but Rock the Cradle of Love??? Come on???

  14. davidfarney says:

    Okay, Cradle of Love was the least bad song on the Charmed Life album. But it’s also one of THREE songs on the album with “love” in the title. That’s 3 out of 11, which is slightly more than one fourth. Further analysis reveals a song entitled License to Thrill. Gag.

    I think this came out right about the time Billy married Leeza Gibbons or whatever her name was from Entertainment Tonight (?) So the moral of this story, of course, is don’t marry sorority girls!

  15. relliott4 says:

    Love your twisted logic.

    I think memory of specific times when albums came out makes a huge difference. I was young, married and in that time before kids. Hubby and I played this loud and it was an in-joke for us since he’s nearly eight years older.

  16. relliott4 says:

    Oh, I meant Cradle of Love was a guy’s song. Way more so than Pumping on Steel.

  17. davidfarney says:

    That explains why I feel Cradle of Love is the only passable song on that album; agreed, it’s a guy song. Billy hadn’t COMPLETELY sold out to you chicks yet.

    And music is indeed a great relationship barometer/bookmark/something. Doesn’t take much for a song to bring back excellent memories. (Interestingly, I can’t really think of a song that reminds me of bad times. Do those get repressed?) So you and your husband have the Billy Idol thing which is late 80’s/early 90’s cool in a way. And my wife and I have . . . ready . . . ready . . . a late 90’s country phase! Great memories but VERY embarrassing to my rock and punk rock friends. Let it be noted I never:

    A. wore a cowboy hat
    B. learned to two-step
    C. went to a honky tonk


  18. relliott4 says:

    I’ve skipped all country phases. 😉

    Yes, early nineties– we used to buy new CDs and drive until we memorized them. We did this with Pink World by Planet P Project. Also different stuff from Counting Crows, Stone Temple Pilots, Black Crows (hmm… liked crows apparently) Hootie and the Blowfish, Pearl Jam, Tool … too many to list. We stopped the driving/memorizing thing once we had our daughter. Too bad gas is so expensive. these days We never take time to do stuff like that. Maybe we should.

  19. Esri Rose says:

    Dude, you can do a back bend from a standing position? That’s so action heroine-y!

    I like Billy. Not crazy about the little dreads.

  20. relliott4 says:

    Only after a lot of wine and the last time was before the two surgeries this year–so maybe I can’t anymore. I’m afraid to try. LOL!

    And no, that hair style is not a good one for him.

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  22. Pingback: Highly Amused | Rinda Elliott

  23. haley papik says:

    i love youre show and right know i am watching the show were you are over nevles house and you are meeting him and he is putting the fire on his computer and hes getting you a snack right know to. p.s. i am youre biggest fan eeevvveeerrr.

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