Happy Holidays from The Deadline Dames!

I’ve had to keep quiet about this for months!!  You will have to visit my  Livejournal  to see the very hilarious videos because WordPress will not let me post flash videos here. 

But here is the news!

In January, I’ll be a part of a new website called The Deadline Dames, a group of urban fantasy and paranormal romance authors who kick deadline butt! (They seem to believe I’ll be joining the ranks of heavy deadline fun and I can’t wait!! <g>)

Since there are nine of us, Toni Andrews had to mix up two videos.  The only author not present in the videos is Lilith Saintcrow…She’s getting a new head shot and as it was, we gave Toni quite the time trying to find the right head shots that would work.  You know,  I’m thinking we could have put in one of Lilith’s  cool book covers…

I was so honored to be invited into this and I’ll be sharing the links to the website and blog as soon as we go live in January!

The Deadline Dames are in alphabetical order: 

Toni Andrews
Keri Arthur
Jenna Black
Rinda Elliott
Jackie Kessler
Karen Mahoney
Devon Monk
Lilith Saintcrow
Rachel Vincent

About Rinda Elliott

Writer.I love unusual stories and credit growing up in a family of curious life-lovers who moved all over the country. Books and movies full of fantasy, science fiction and romance kept us amused, especially in some of the stranger places. For years, I tried to separate my darker side with my humorous and romantic one. I published short fiction, but things really started happening when I gave in and mixed it up. When not lost in fiction, I love making wine, collecting music, gaming and spending time with my husband and two children. I’m represented by Miriam Kriss of the Irene Goodman Agency.
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11 Responses to Happy Holidays from The Deadline Dames!

  1. That’s so awesome 🙂 Congrats, Rinda!

  2. relliott4 says:

    Thanks. I’m excited and very humbled to be included. Oh, and ready to hold up my end of the “kicking deadline butt” bargain.

  3. X. Dell says:

    “Deadline Dames?” Sounds like an excellent title for a murder mystery. Sounds like a lot of sore deadline rumps to me.

    Merry Xmas, and to a movie deal in 2009!!!! (I cn fantasize for you, can’t I?)

  4. relliott4 says:

    Yes, fantasize as much as possible. The good vibes can only be helpful!

    Happy Holidays, X. 😉

  5. Celise says:

    How fun is that? I would so like to be a part of a blog like that. Maybe one for non-traditional YA authors.

  6. relliott4 says:

    I bet you could round up a few good non-traditional YA authors for one. 😉

    Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season, Celise!

  7. Pingback: Reading-Good for Writers « Rinda Elliott

  8. Pingback: It’s All About the Sexy This Week! « Rinda Elliott

  9. davidfarney says:

    A belated congrats on this, Rinda! Very exciting indeed. I loved the video — shades of Monty Python. Good times. Good times.

  10. relliott4 says:

    I love Monty Python-have been thinking of getting some of the show videos. Thanks for the congrats! I’m very excited about this. 🙂

  11. Pingback: A Little Current Honesty « Rinda Elliott

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