Snark Memories and Updates


There are times when I miss our Scene From a Pic-Snarky Reader Style.  Images like this one may resurrect the monthly writing challenge.  I think I, like a lot of people, found little time for writing outside of my own projects last year.   Maybe we’ll all get inspired to do a few of these this year.  Not monthly, but I might start it back up when I come across something that sparks the imagination.  Taking a couple of hours to write outside your own personal box can do a lot to free up those creative juices. 

For the newer Snarky readers, you can look at past SFAP writing challenges in that topic section to the right.   There are some fantastic pieces in there from dark and spooky, to hilarious–we even have some good sexy stuff in there. 😉

Sorry for the absence.  I’ve had some personal things going on and will probably be tied up a bit for another week or two.  But, I will be posting when possible, so don’t give up on the Snark.  

However, in writing news, I have queried several more agents, had more requests (yay!) and no more rejections yet, so I now have eight agents with various parts of my manuscript.  I’ve also polished a proposal for Wired and sent it off to my CP.  I’m going to be devoting some serious time to her side project and hope to finish that up this week.   I’ll also be doing something about the writing goal bars to the side.  They haven’t been working–so it shows no movement, but believe me, the writing is happening. 

The big news is I’ve decided to believe that my series will sell, so I’m diving into book two full force.  Having too much fun with these characters not to. 🙂

About Rinda Elliott

Writer.I love unusual stories and credit growing up in a family of curious life-lovers who moved all over the country. Books and movies full of fantasy, science fiction and romance kept us amused, especially in some of the stranger places. For years, I tried to separate my darker side with my humorous and romantic one. I published short fiction, but things really started happening when I gave in and mixed it up. When not lost in fiction, I love making wine, collecting music, gaming and spending time with my husband and two children. I’m represented by Miriam Kriss of the Irene Goodman Agency.
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14 Responses to Snark Memories and Updates

  1. Harry says:

    Hey there,

    Sorry for life getting you down. Get a small box of chocolates to bring some happy hormones to the rescue from depression. I do it lately and no matter how my weight responds to the treatment I keep myself with a happy (and somewhat weird High) smile.

    As for writing. Yey! Challenge! Say what are the rules?
    And how do you make one of those word bar things appear on your blogs?
    So many questions.

    PS: Hurray for the agents. Eight interested in what you got is well GRAND.
    Get well doll.

  2. She looks like she searched out an empty room so she could pick her underwear out of her butt. 😉

    Yay on all of the submissions. 🙂

  3. Glad you feel good enough to post and love the picture. Choosing to believe in your project is key. Have fun with book two and hurry up with one. Can’t wait to read about Beri.

  4. Rinda says:

    Oh, no, Harry, I’m not depressed. I’ve had some medical stuff I’m dealing with–but I’m in great spirits.

    Usually if you click on those bars, it takes you to a site that’s pretty self-explanatory, but it hasn’t been working lately. You just fill in, get the code and paste to your blog.

    Heather, you made me laugh… right now that’s both good and bad. Hugs! Can’t wait to see you again.

    Hey Carol! I’m feeling fine. And yes, I’m itching to get Beri’s story out–it won’t take long once it’s off. 🙂

  5. Great news on the submissions, Rinda. Wow! 8 agents reading various pages… You’re absolutely RIGHT to believe in this book selling! 🙂

  6. Harry says:

    Sweets heal everything. I am pretty sure they can heal open wounds with their natural stickiness. Anyways what I am saying is that due to the crapiness of this month health is the natural target this season.

    About the challenge now? When is this thing happening?

  7. relliott4 says:

    I don’t know that I’ll do a challenge anytime soon.. I just used to post a picture once a month and invite readers to write something creative–a poem, a sentence or even a scene. It just a fun thing we did here. Since you write the sexy stuff, you’d probably enjoy reading these. The stories go with that second image.

    Scene From A Pic–Long and Freaking Worth It!

  8. Ken says:

    A challenge sounds fun. I’m not doing enough with my own writing. Working on other stuff in my life.

    You have to believe that your book will sell. Fake it til you make it. I believe in you and I hope that means something.

  9. Harry says:

    The ones you linked were just awesome. Mind if I write something to this picture. I want to figure out a vignette and it would be a shame to let that slip. I would be happy if you read it later.

  10. Rinda says:

    Sure. You can just post it here in the comments. That’s how we used to do the SFAP. 🙂

  11. Jill Monroe says:

    Rinda – that IS the attitude you have to have. I remember driving back from that retreat you and I and a few other OK-RWAers went to (the one where you elected me president while I was asleep) and being sure, just SURE I’d sell soon.

    Let us know how Book 2 is going.

  12. Harry says:

    I hope you enjoy it. I had a fun time writing it. I love writing vignettes, because I can just write as purple prose as I want and get away with it. Hah!

    Chronus Vestige of Elegance

    She stands there, bathing in whey light of the luminous window, stare piercing veils of the world towards the future. Behind, her shadow blooms in astrous petals of sorrowful feelings. The flowers of her cried tears in the past of sorrow, she would never erase from her soul. Her rhythmic breaths are the solitary chasms in the decade silence, which sedates the room since the break of dawn.

    She is the maiden left to mourn the dead. She is just a gossamer vision in melanic silk, abandoned by the world and clandestine for the heart. With her silent wail, which ripples the induced sleep, like a mute banshee she sequesters herself in pain as melancholy drips from her core, sour syrup for the beloved.

    A new breath rolls off her lips, which breaks the air into crisp and frigid ice, and she reaves the cordial unity effortlessly with her brumous fingers. The light of cohesion is missing and the lantern on the ceiling hangs dead with glass walls smudged with dried up smoke. Morning slides over stale wide boards of the ceiling and they glisten like polished bones, dead like the soul of the house. Between the walls of castory and burnet ornaments opulent with moments of the days gone, lay ensnare the memories of him, essence of the man, who binds her to this room.

    The shelves are empty and the door is open, everything gone like emotions in her heart and she has to leave, but yet she stands there, when night consumes day in violet velvet of dusk and when day ignites night’s tinder body in scarlet hues of dawn. Chronus nears on her with his scythe and embraces her shoulders until she wilts to a diaphanous vision, vestige of elegance.

  13. relliott4 says:

    Thanks for sharing your piece. That picture really fired up your imagination! Love the “glisten like polished bones” image. 🙂

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